Saturday, 12 January 2013

Multidisciplinary - Nightmares

For this project the brief was to use incorporate multiple subjects into one final piece. I chose to look at Fashion and Psychology. I began by focusing on nightmares, my own to be precise. There has always been three reoccurring nightmares for me but the one I was mostly drawn to was one in which I am being chased by a masked figure running up a spiral staircase. Nightmares about being chased often mean that either someone or something is making you feel threatened. The chaser is the problem and to solve this you must ask yourself what or who it is? Below is a pattern I created for a dress I made from this idea. I firstly took a photograph of a spiral staircase (like the one in my nightmare) and then repeated and played around with it on Adobe Photoshop CS6. This was the pattern for my dress which I silk-screen printed onto fabric. 

 The Photography shoot took place at an abandoned barn as I wanted to reflect the nightmare background. I wanted to keep the dress simple and wearable as the print was the main feature. I have also styled the dress to show the possible ways it could be worn. Here are my most successful shoots with my model Katy Marie.

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